Would you agree that a scone is just a biscuit all dressed up? Straight across, a basic biscuit and a basic cream scone are very much alike. Flour, fat, a liquid, and you are pretty much on the road to … Continue reading
Yeast has been calling screaming out to me for weeks now. Between the rush of the holidays and the ruthlessness of the flu bug, I just haven’t had the time to rear a yeasted dough through its required stages. Breads cannot … Continue reading
Have you ever “misplaced” something in your own home that you absolutely knew you had laid your eyes on just days before? It was right there, and then magically, or better yet, mysteriously, it went missing. You think you are … Continue reading
Santa Rosa, California Santa Rosa has become a second home to me. Having family there has made it possible to visit, explore, and connect with the breathtaking countryside of Sonoma County. Its weather calls to me; its landscape stimulates my senses; … Continue reading