Dark Chocolate ‘Beer’ Cake with Sour Cream Caramel Frosting
It’s official! I finally had my first beer – in a cake that is. 😉 In all the hundreds of cakes I have eaten to date, not one had beer in it. My Dad was an incredible cake baker, and although he was forever pulling one from the oven, I don’t ever remember him baking one with beer. Which is ironic since my Dad loved his beer. I vividly remember begging sips of brew from him as he enjoyed a can or two after a long day’s work at the factory. Dad was a perfectionist when it came to the glass he used for his beer. Not the shape, rather the cleanliness. Once, he even gave me a demonstration on the proper way to clean a beer glass. ‘You have to clean it really well with hot soapy water, then rinse it with cold water. Cold water kills the suds. Any soap residue left on the glass will make the beer go flat, and a great glass of beer has to have a nice head of foam’. Those were his precise instructions. Continue reading